Concordia 3-0 Otelul
Concordia Otelul
Over 1.5 goals: 15 matches in 18 played
Over 2.5 goals: 7 matches in 18 played
Average goals/match: 2.6 goals/match
Top Scorer: Dina M. (4 goals scored)
Standings: 13th place (18 points)
Odd: 1.91
Over 1.5 goals: 10 matches in 18 played
Over 2.5 goals: 5 matches in 18 played
Average goals/match: 1.8 goals/match
Top Scorer: Cristea C. (4 goals scored)
Standings: 17th place (12 points)
Odd: 4.33 (increased from 3.60)

bet365 Concordia Chiajna comes after a match with Astra Giurgiu, the match ended with a draw, although Concordia was led 1-0 and 2-1.
The team coached by Marius Şumudică is has change in the last time, the players are in a great shape and their last result with Astra it was a great surprise for Concordia fans.

Otelul Galati did not play badly agains Dinamo, but it took one mistake of the goalkeeper Yves Ma-Kalambayi and their opponents won the match. The first phase of return was not good for the team, they are in a very delicate situation and the situation woul be even worse if they will lose 3 points tonight in the match with Chiajna. So, the players shoul give all their best on the field tonight and do everything possible to get a win.
Our pick for: Concordia - Otelul
Stake: 100 EUR
Prize: 0 EUR
Final odd: 1.46
Concordia - Otelul
Soccer: Ronamia - Ligue 1
Final result - over 1,5 goals
aprox. 89%
Last matches : Concordia
02/27/2015 Concordia Otelul 3-0
09/20/2014 Concordia FC Botosani 3-3
07/25/2014 Concordia Astra 0-2
07/21/2014 Concordia Dinamo Buc 1-3
Last matches : Otelul
02/27/2015 Concordia Otelul 3-0
02/21/2015 Otelul Din. Bucuresti 0-1
09/20/2014 Otelul CFR Cluj 0-1
Direct meetings between Concordia - Otelul
02/27/2015 Concordia Otelul 3-0

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