Las Palmas vs Albacete PREVIEW & PREDICTION 27/09/2019

We go with the 8th day of the SmartBank League to the match that will face Las Palmas against Albacete in insular territory.

We are looking for under 2,5 goals in the match, in a match that will face two teams with a worrying lack of goal. Las Palmas and Albacete are with Extremadura the teams that have scored the least goals in this competition, having added only 4 goals in 7 games.

Analyzing more in depth, we find that Las Palmas has only scored in 1 of its last 4 games, having gone blank both in its visits to Girona and Tenerife and in front of an Almeria they received as a local.

Opposite they have an Albacete that has been adding two consecutive victories for the minimum against Malaga and Huesca, a team that has been able to make the most of their goals and make them profitable, adding 12 points with only 4 goals in favor.

We are looking for under goals in this match where neither team is standing out for its scoring ease, and that they are basing their matches and scoring points thanks to their defense and not so much to their success from face to door.

PREDICTION: Las Palmas to win @ 2,07
